BuyBot Ads

Here's a guide for setting up BuyBot ads using SunTools Ads:

Choose Your Ad Type:

Start by deciding where you want your ads to be displayed. You have two options: BuyBot Ads or Deploy Ads. The previous section explains where your ads will be shown depending on your choice. In this segment, we'll cover how to set up BuyBot Ads.

  1. Select BuyBot Ads:

    • Click on the "BuyBot Ads" option to begin setting up your ad campaign.

  1. Pick Your Date:

  • Choose the day you want your ads to run. Once you've selected the desired date, click "Confirm" to proceed.

  1. Submit Your Ad Text:

  • The bot will prompt you to send your ad text. Respond to this message with the text you want for your ad. Remember, the ad text can only be 50 characters long, so make it concise and impactful.

  1. Add a Link:

  • Next, send one link that you want to be displayed with the ad. This could be a link to your website, product page, or social media profile.

  1. Make Your Payment:

  • You will receive a payment request with details of the wallet where the payment needs to be sent. Make sure to send the payment to the provided wallet within 20 minutes of receiving the request.

  1. Submit Your Ad:

  • Once your payment is confirmed, click on "Submit my Ad" to finalize your ad setup. Your ad will then be scheduled to run on the selected date according to the settings you chose.

By following these steps, you'll have your BuyBot ads set up and ready to go in no time!

Last updated