Wallet creation

Wallet Setup for SunTools Trading Bot

To start trading with the SunTools Trading Bot, you'll first need to import or create a wallet. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Open the Trading Bot: Begin by opening the SunTools Trading Bot and navigating to the main menu. You can access the main menu by typing /start in the chat.

  1. Access the Wallet Function: Once you are in the main menu, you’ll find several options. Locate and click on the "Wallet" function.

  1. Create or Connect a Wallet: In the Wallet section, you have several options:

  • Create a New Wallet: Select this option to create a brand new wallet within the bot.

  • Create X New Wallets: Choose this if you want to create multiple new wallets at once.

  • Connect an Existing Wallet: If you already have a wallet, you can connect it to the trading bot.

  1. View Your Wallets: Once a wallet is created or connected, it will be displayed in this section for easy access and management.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be ready to start trading with your SunTools Trading Bot in no time!

Last updated