Buying & Selling

Guide to Buying and Selling a Token with SunTools Trading Bot

  1. Find the Token: Start by visiting SunPump and locating the token you want to purchase.

  2. Copy the Contract: Once you've found the token, copy its contract address.

  3. Paste the Contract in the Bot: Open the SunTools Trading Bot and paste the contract address in the chat. The bot will automatically fetch and display the token information.

  1. Buy the Token: Choose the amount of TRX you want to invest by either clicking on a preset amount or entering a custom amount.

  1. Transaction Confirmation: Once your transaction is processed, the bot will send a confirmation message, letting you know your purchase was successful.

  1. Check Your Positions: To review your current holdings, type /positions in the chat or navigate to the Positions menu.

  1. Sell a Token: To sell a token, simply paste its contract address in the bot. Switch from "Buy" to "Sell," then select the percentage of your holdings you wish to sell. You can also sell tokens using the /positions menu as shown above.

  1. Sell Confirmation: After the sale transaction is confirmed, the bot will send you a confirmation message in the chat.

This guide ensures a smooth buying and selling process on the TRON network using the SunTools Trading Bot.

Last updated